Meet Northwest Vista College President Dr. Amy Bosley

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与弗洛雷斯校长坐在一起:会见西北远景学院校长. Amy Bosley

In July 2023, Dr. 艾米博斯利-创新的高等教育管理与丰富的教学经验和先进的沟通, human resources, 她开始担任西北远景学院(NVC)的第三任校长。, a vibrant community of more than 17,000 students and 900 employees.

Dr. 博斯利在高等教育领域有着广泛的记录,并担任过各种职务, 包括机构规划发展副总裁和佛罗里达州中部瓦伦西亚学院的参谋长. 她对社区大学的使命和大学领导的影响充满热情, faculty, and staff have on students, their families, the workforce, and their community.

Dr. Bosley和NVC学生Daniel Bigler最近参加了与校长Dr. Mike Flores就他们在雷士的经历和未来进行了对话.

Some key concepts they covered include:

  • What attracted Dr. Bosley and Daniel to NVC
  • NVC’s Excelencia in Education framework
  • 雷士快30周年了,展望未来



What attracted Dr. Bosley and Daniel to NVC

Dr. Bosley: There are many things - it’s such a beautiful campus. 树木繁茂,设计精美,建筑优美. It just feels like a wonderful place to be. It is surpassed everyday by the quality of the faculty, staff and students that live and learn and work there. It never ceases to amaze me. The commitment to students' access, 对他们的学习,对他们的完成,对他们的竞争,确保他们在找到工作的道路上,维持他们自己和他们的家庭. It permeates everything that I have seen at NVC.

Daniel: 我们有无数的服务,所有和我一起工作的人都非常热情,看到这些学生进来,我们就有动力. 我从事心理学和社会工作是因为我想帮助我的社区,让它变得更美好.

NVC’s Excelencia in Education framework

Dr. Bosley: At Northwest Vista, about 66% percent of our students identify as Latino, and it is our great privilege to serve them. We also know there are many things to better serve them. Just enrolling Latino students is not our obligation. 我们的义务和特权是确保他们完成有价值的项目, 他们获得的证书可以维持他们自己和他们的家庭,我们考虑并庆祝并整合文化方面,使教育和社区以一种响应的方式. 我们已经将卓越教育框架整合到我们的战略计划中,该战略计划将真正指导我们在学生体验以及即将到来的学术和劳动力计划方面的工作. 所有这些都将在服务的框架内构建,我们称之为我们的战略远景. 它们不仅仅是战略目标,也是我们展望未来的方向. 这是我们学院的名字,在考虑如何为所有学生服务时非常真实,尤其是为66%的拉丁裔学生创造空间.


Dr. Bosley: 我们正准备推出我们的第一个学士学位, which will launch in Fall 2024, so we are gearing up for that. That is in Cloud Computing, 这与西北Vista及其他地方的员工非常一致. So future students can look forward to that. 但真正让我兴奋的是焕然一新的校园精神, 是什么让西北远景成为一个特别的地方,并邀请社区来到校园. 我们真的很高兴能继续展望未来.


To learn more about our Dr. 博斯利和西北维斯塔学院的情况,请访问